Pondicherry Heritage Festival (PHF) 2024
Pondicherryin is proud to be part of the Pondicherry Heritage Festival again. This year is the 10th year of PHF, and this year, the focus is on celebrating the heritage of Nature, Culture, and Art of Pondicherrians as a community. Pondicherry Heritage Festival starts on 24th Feb 2024 and ends on 3rd Mar 2024.
PHF History
PHF is a citizen-driven heritage movement that started after the Mairie (Promenade Beach) – 19th Century building collapsed in 2014 due to neglect and maintenance. The PHF aims to bring awareness about our Pondicherry Heritage, from buildings to Natural Heritage like Mangrove forests and Tropical Dry Evergreen Forests.
The following are the events planned for PHF 2024:
1. Kayaking for Trash Free Planet
Pondicherryin and Pondicherry Beach Escapes are organizing a cleanliness drive along the Ariyankuppam River, a distributary of the Gingee River. Gingee originates in the mountains of the Eastern Ghats and is of high ecological and economic value. The extensive mangrove forest towards the mouth of the river is an important breeding ground for various fish species. This river cape also supports many water birds, water-associated species, and other ecosystem services. However, the river is currently in the degrading phase of its ecological status. Rapid and unsustainable development along the basin has negatively affected the basin. This river in this segment is treated like a channel to carry the waste and sewage generated in various cities. This river then carries these pollutants to the sea. So, we are organizing a cleanliness drive in the mangrove forest along the Ariyankuppam River using Kayaks to collect solid wastes. Join us and do your part.
Price: Rs.250 per person. Limited Seats.
Dates: 24th Feb 2024 (9 am) and 3rd Mar 2024 (9 am)

2. Nature Cycling Tour:
Through a cycle tour, visit the indigenous Tropical Dry Evergreen forests (TDEF) of Pondicherry, Auroville and the surrounding region. TDEF constitute the rarest forest type in India, which was only a minuscule to the sacred groves of the area until a decade back. These TDEF forests in and around Pondicherry host unique and fragile flora and fauna where you will feel like you are in the Western Ghats. It’s time to share the excellent work of the people behind these fantastic regenerated forests. We are now doing this as a carbon-neutral experience – as a nature cycling trail tour to witness these unique forests and landscapes.
Price: Rs.850 per person. Limited Seats.
Dates: 25th Feb 2024 (6.30 am) and 3rd Mar 2024 (6.30 am)

3. Arikamedu and the Forgotten History
Join us for the historical and coastal cycle tour to Arikamedu and adjoining beaches.
Arikamedu is located next to the Ariyankuppam River. This serene, calm Ariyankuppam river was once a thriving port, which had traded with Romans two thousand years back. Pondicherry Museum has two important archaeological sources which link Arikamedu with the Roman Empire. One is “Koan Amphorae“, the ceramic container transporting the wines. It was made with specific mechanical strength, standard vessel size and shape. These amphorae found in Arikamedu were created on the island of Kos (East Aegean) in Greece. And the other one is “Terra Sigillata“, often called decorated tableware made in the ancient Roman Empire. Romans used to eat on this tableware. Both these critical archaeological sources are on display at the Pondicherry Museum. Arikamedu is the centre of the bead-making industry, dating back to BCE. They have imported raw materials from carnelian, quartz, agate, citrine, and onyx stones. Arikamedu also had Mosaic stones from the Roman Empire and lapis lazuli from Afghanistan. Learn more about Arikamedu and explore the adjoining beaches in this cycle tour.
Price: Rs.850 per person. Limited Seats.
Dates: 25th Feb 2024 (3.30 pm) and 3rd Mar 2024 (3.30 pm)
Events List: