Auroville – An universal township near Pondicherry

Matri Mandir Auroville
Matri Mandir Auroville

Auroville is a universal township located near Pondicherry around 10 km from White town. Auroville’s purpose is to realize human unity, which is the vision of Sri Aurobindo. Auroville was founded by Mirra Alfassa (fondly called “Mother”) on 28th February 1968, and architect Roger Anger designed it. Auroville proves that liberty, equality, and fraternity can go well together in a large community.

The idea of Auroville came to Mirra Alfassa in the 1930s, and it was established with the principles of Sri Aurobindo. In 1966, the Master plan from Auroville went to the general assembly of UNESCO with support from the Central Government. UNESCO passed the master plan, and they thought that this project is vital for the future of humanity as a whole.

Experimental City:

Auroville is considered as the only experimental city on human unity, which the International Community supports. Auroville does a lot of research on environmental consciousness, sustainable living, and spiritual living.

People who are living in Auroville are called “Aurovillians.” At present, people from 59 nations are living in the Auroville community, and the total number of Aurovillians is around 2500.

Globe of Mantri Mandir

Aurovillians contribution to Auroville:

Each aurovillians have an individual account that connects to the central account of Auroville. There is no paper or coin currency for the aurovillians living in the universal township. Aurovillians have to contribute to the development of the community through work, money, or volunteering.

Aurovillians can buy food or things from Auroville shops by sharing their individual account number. Aurovillians accounts get credited for monthly maintenance for those who are in need.

Central government funds only a small portion for Auroville, the rest of the funds were generated by Auroville’s small and medium-scale Industries.

Zones of Auroville:

Auroville is divided into Peace Zone, Industrial Zone, Residential Zone, and Cultural zone. Peace zone has Matri Mandir, Arts and crafts like Svaram musical instruments were located in Industrial Zone, Aranya forests, Auroville botanical garden, and organic farms are located in Green Zone.


  1. I am looking forward for my first solo trip and I decided to choose this place and kept wondering where will I get complete information about this location and this has become as one stop page for me to get all information. Thanks Ratheesh.


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