Standup paddle (SUP) in Pondicherry- Price etc

Standup paddle in pondicherry
Standup paddle in pondicherry

Standup paddle (SUP) in Pondicherry

Standup paddle in Pondicherry is the latest adventure activity for enthusiasts. Pondicherry calm backwaters are the best place for Stand up paddling, which is just 10-15 min from White town. Stand Up Paddling through the scenic backwaters of the mangroves is everyone’s dream.

Standup paddle boarding is a fun activity that will also give our body an excellent workout. We have experienced instructors for teaching the standup paddles. Swimming is a must for Stand up paddling.

Before you venture into the water, a few things must be considered.

SUP Equipments:

(i) Standup paddleboard: Choose a board based on your weight and the person’s skill level. Different kinds of SUP boards are available like Inflatable, Fiberglass, All around SUP, Touring Paddle, Surf Paddle etc. used. And they are used for various purposes like recreational paddling, surfing, surfing, racing and even SUP yoga.

(ii) Paddle: Choosing the right paddle: SUP Paddle has a curve-shaped paddle at the end that should be angled towards the front side for maximum efficiency. Choose the right paddle, which will reach your wrist when you do paddling.

(iii) Clothes: Choosing the right clothes is very important. Since Pondicherry is warm most of the season, you can choose water-friendly dry synthetic shorts and t-shirts. During the winter season, wear a wetsuit to prevent hypothermia.

(iv) Leash: Wear the leash on your ankle that will be attached to your SUP board. It will help you when you fall off.

(v) Sunglasses, sunscreens and caps are the other things you can consider before standup board paddling.

(vi) Check the wind pattern and plan your paddling accordingly.

Stand Up Paddle

There are a few techniques you should know before SUP paddling:

(i) How to Stand up on the SUP board

Start boarding in the SUP in shallow knee-deep water and move your knee to the centre of the board in a kneeling position. Keep your hands on the edges of the board for balance. Raise your chest with knees bent; once you are table, extend your legs to try to stand.

(ii) How to balance

Keep your feet in a parallel position, which should be placed in the centre of the board. Toes should be facing the front side of the board. Keep your back straight, and your knees should be slightly bent for perfect balance.

(iii) How to get back on board when you fall from the SUP board

At some stage, everyone will get wet and fall into the water. Be prepared to fall on the water; on the other hand, if you fall on the board, it has more chances of injury. After falling, grab the handle at the centre of the board and slide yourself onto the board.

Three types of basic strokes are:

(i) Forward stroke, which will propel your SUP board move forward

(ii) Reverse stroke will keep the board slowing down and stop

(iii) Sweep stroke will keep help in turning the board

Ideal Time: 7am – 9am

Duration: 60 min

Price: Rs. 1416 (Including GST)

Whatsapp for Bookings:  +91-7604942994


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